12 April 2010
Iran Urges UN Inquiry into Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, BBC News, 12 April 2010
EXCERPT: "Iran's president has urged the UN to launch an investigation into the aims of Western military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. The office of Secretary General Ban ki-Moon said that it was studying the letter from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad but had no comment. Mr Ahmadinejad asked the UN to set up a fact-finding team. Tensions are growing...
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US Troops Kill 4 on Passenger Bus
12 April 2010
US Troops Kill 4 on Passenger Bus in Afghanistan, Los Angeles Times, 12 April 2010
EXCERPT: "American troops in Afghanistan riddled a passenger bus with bullets outside Kandahar on Monday, killing four civilians and galvanizing anti-Western sentiment just as NATO is gearing up for a massive military offensive in and around the southern city. Angry protests erupted after the shooting in Zhari district, to the west of Kandahar, which...
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The State of Transitional Justice in Afghanistan
12 April 2010
The State of Transitional Justice in Afghanistan - Actors, Approaches and Challenges, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), 12 April 2010
EXCERPT: "This discussion paper provides an overview of the current state of transitional justice in Afghanistan. It is not intended to be exhaustive but attempts to establish a picture of transitional justice activities in Afghanistan today, raising the key challenges and debates involved....
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Italians Held over "Plot" to Assassinate Afghan Chief
12 April 2010
, The Independent, 12 April 2010
EXCERPT: "Police in the Helmand province of Afghanistan have arrested three Italian aid workers for allegedly plotting to assassinate the provincial governor. The Italians were seized during a raid on a hospital run by Emergency, an Italian NGO, in the provincial capital of Lashkar Gah. Six Afghan colleagues were also arrested. Government officials claimed...
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