Archives for 12 April 2010

Iran Urges UN Inquiry into Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

Iran Iran Urges UN Inquiry into Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, BBC News, 12 April 2010

EXCERPT: "Iran's president has urged the UN to launch an investigation into the aims of Western military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq. The office of Secretary General Ban ki-Moon said that it was studying the letter from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad but had no comment. Mr Ahmadinejad asked the UN to set up a fact-finding team. Tensions are growing...

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US Troops Kill 4 on Passenger Bus

US US Troops Kill 4 on Passenger Bus in Afghanistan, Los Angeles Times, 12 April 2010

EXCERPT: "American troops in Afghanistan riddled a passenger bus with bullets outside Kandahar on Monday, killing four civilians and galvanizing anti-Western sentiment just as NATO is gearing up for a massive military offensive in and around the southern city. Angry protests erupted after the shooting in Zhari district, to the west of Kandahar, which...

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The State of Transitional Justice in Afghanistan

AREU The State of Transitional Justice in Afghanistan - Actors, Approaches and Challenges, Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU), 12 April 2010

EXCERPT: "This discussion paper provides an overview of the current state of transitional justice in Afghanistan. It is not intended to be exhaustive but attempts to establish a picture of transitional justice activities in Afghanistan today, raising the key challenges and debates involved....

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Italians Held over "Plot" to Assassinate Afghan Chief

, The Independent, 12 April 2010

EXCERPT: "Police in the Helmand province of Afghanistan have arrested three Italian aid workers for allegedly plotting to assassinate the provincial governor. The Italians were seized during a raid on a hospital run by Emergency, an Italian NGO, in the provincial capital of Lashkar Gah. Six Afghan colleagues were also arrested. Government officials claimed...

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