Archives for 04 May 2009

"Drawback" New Tactic: Military

'', The National Post, 4 May 2009

EXCERPT: "Canada's military says it has not abandoned villagers in the Taliban-controlled western Panjwaii district, insisting that the 'drawback' of troops last week and the dismantling of a Canadian-built police substation are tactical victories. Tearing down the Mushan substation signals the start of a new strategy that will see Canadian...

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Assessing Counterinsurgency And Stabilization Missions

Jason Campbell, Michael O'Hanlon and Jeremy Shapiro, '', Brookings Institution, 4 May 2009

EXCERPT: "In the coming months and years, the United States will need to face at least two concrete measurement questions in its ongoing counterinsurgency campaigns. In Iraq, the key question will be to determine if the improved security situation is holding relatively steady...

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US Aims To Unify Efforts On Afghan Border

US 'US Aims To Unify Efforts On Afghan Border', The Wall Street Journal, 4 May 2009

EXCERPT: "President Barack Obama will seek a unified strategy to subdue Islamist militants in the tribal regions straddling Pakistan and Afghanistan when he meets with the presidents of the two nations in Washington this week. The meetings with Presidents Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan and Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan come as the Obama administration...

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Karzai Enlists Former Warlord As Running Mate

'', The New York Times, 4 May 2009

EXCERPT: "President Hamid Karzai named a powerful former warlord as one of his two vice-presidential running mates on Monday, a day of scattered insurgent attacks that left as many as 23 people dead. The vice-presidential candidate, Muhammad Qasim Fahim, was Mr. Karzai's vice president in his early administration, but was pushed aside in 2004...

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