Archives for 13 November 2007

Afghanistan War May Cost $700 Billion: Report

, Joint Economic Committee, November 2007.

ABSTRACT: "The long wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost the United States in many ways. For the American Armed Forces, the human toll has been profound: as of November 9, 2007, 4,578 American soldiers have lost their lives, and 30,205 have been wounded, many of them gravely. The damage to our international reputation...

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Focus on Taliban Propaganda

Janes 'Taliban communications, old and new,' Jane's Terrorism and Security Monitor, 14 November 2007

EXCERPT: "The Taliban use a variety of ways to communicate and influence the people of Afghanistan and supporters in other Muslim countries... The Taliban use covertly distributed 'night letters' as their main way of communicating with locals in Afghanistan. [...] The term 'night letters' has been applied to a variety of forms of written...

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More Canadian Soldiers in Afghanistan Seriously Injured

CanadaGloria Galloway, 'Rate of Wounded on Rise', 13 November 2007

"The number of Canadian soldiers who are so badly wounded in Afghanistan that they must be returned to Canada for treatment is on a trajectory to far exceed last year's toll. During the first eight months of this year, 108 members of the Canadian Forces became eligible for the allowance that is given to wounded military personnel who lose their danger pay because their injuries...

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Halt Transfer of Detainees to Afghan Authorities: Amnesty

Amnesty_logo'Detainees Transferred to Torture: ISAF Complicity?', Amnesty International, 13 November 2007

"The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan is exposing detainees to real risks of torture or other ill-treatment by Afghan authorities, says Amnesty International in a report released today. The report documents how ISAF forces ? particularly those from Belgium, Britain, Canada, the Netherlands and Norway...

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