Security Issues Curb Afghanistan Recruitment
23 October 2008
'', Financial Times, 23 October 2008
EXCERPT: "The ban on bringing offspring, or even spouses, on assignments in Afghanistan explains the constant difficulty organisations face in attracting experts to work in the country and stay there for a respectable amount of time. Up to 30 per cent of United Nations posts in Afghanistan remain unfilled, the organisation said. Yet there is no shortage...
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UK PM Brown And NATO Chief To Discuss Afghanistan Situation
23 October 2008
'Gordon Brown And NATO Chief To Discuss Afghanistan Situation', The Telegraph, 23 October 2008
EXCERPT: "Their meeting, which will also involve John Hutton, the Defence Secretary, comes in a week in which a British aid worker was shot dead by the Taliban in Kabul. Britain has 8,100 troops stationed in the volatile Helmand province and 121 have been killed in the country since operations began. Nato's International Security...
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Bomb-Disposal Experts "Think Through Bomber's Eyes" In Afghanistan
23 October 2008
'', The Canadian Press, 23 October 2008
EXCERPT: "The call came in to the small, highly trained and highly secretive Canadian team based on the outskirts of Kandahar - an unknown device had been found near a city school and it was thought to be a bomb. The team jumped to it. When they arrived, they found a burlap bag tied off at both ends leaning against...
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Afghanistan Planning Second Round of Talks with Ex-Taliban
23 October 2008
'Afghanistan Planning Second Round of Talks with Ex-Taliban', VOA News, 23 October 2008
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan is looking to hold a second round of discussions with former members of the Taliban. During a news conference in Kabul, Rangin Dadfar Spanta, was asked to comment on reports that a continuation of Saudi mediated talks held last month will take place soon in Dubai. The foreign minister says no place or time has been set...
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