Archives for 23 November 2007

Afghanistan Should Follow Turkish Model, Experts Say

ISN Dorian Jones, 'Opium: Legal Solutions', ISN Security Watch, 23 November 2007

EXCERPT: "According to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, this year opium production in Afghanistan has soared to a 'record level.' Despite intense efforts to curtail its production by the Afghan government, backed by NATO forces, the country remains the world's biggest producer of illegal opium, much of which ends up on European streets as heroin.


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Development Assistance to Afghanistan Dominated by Multinationals: Study

Peacedividendtrust_3 Andrew Mayeda and Mike Blanchfield, 'Too few development dollars are actually spent in Afghanistan', Ottawa Citizen, 23 November 2007

"Major donor nations, including Canada, spent about $1.36 billion in official development assistance to Afghanistan over a one-year period ending March 2006. But only $424 million, or about 31 per cent, had a 'local impact,' according to a study released this spring. Peace Dividend Trust, an Ottawa...

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