Archives for 16 March 2010

UN Criticises Covert Troops Who Committed Killings

UN UN Report Criticises Covert Troops Who Committed Afghan Killings, Times Online, 16 March 2010

EXCERPT: "Covert troops who killed two pregnant women and a teenage girl in eastern Afghanistan went on to inflict 'cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment' on the survivors of a botched night raid, a report by the UN said. The family of the victims in Paktiya province have accused Nato of trying to cover up the atrocity after an investigation...

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US Spy Operations Become More Reliant on Contractors

US US Spy Operations Become More Reliant on Contractors, VOA News, 16 March 2010

EXCERPT: "The U.S. Defense Department has ordered an investigation into allegations that one of its employees set up a spy network of private contractors to help track down suspected militants in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The allegations, which first , are that Defense Department employee Michael Furlong gathered intelligence...

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US Regains Huge Weapons Cache Lost by Afghans

US US Regains Huge Weapons Cache Lost by Afghans, USA Today, 16 March 2010

EXCERPT: "U.S. forces have recovered a huge cache of weapons that was given to Afghan security forces but wound up in the hands of the Taliban, a U.S. military review has found. The Afghan army and national police have lost 13,000 weapons, 200,000 rounds of ammunition, 80 vehicles and one pair of night vision goggles, members of a U.S. task force told USA TODAY. All...

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Aide: Karzai "Very Angry" at Taliban Boss' Arrest

Afghanistan , The Associated Press, 16 March 2010

EXCERPT: "The Afghan government was holding secret talks with the Taliban's No. 2 when he was captured in Pakistan, and the arrest infuriated President Hamid Karzai, according to one of Karzai's advisers. The detention of Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar ? second in the Taliban only to one-eyed Mullah Mohammed Omar ? has...

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