Archives for 02 July 2009

G8 Experts Meeting On Afghanistan And Regional Stabilisation

'', IPALMO / ARGO / Carnegie Europe, 1 July 2009

EXCERPT: "The success of international efforts to foster security and economic growth in Afghanistan is increasingly linked to wider stabilization and development in the states in its proximity. In order to elucidate the challenges in the region...

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The Winning Warlords

'', Afghanistan Rights Monitor (ARM), 1 July 2009

EXCERPT: "On 20 August 2009 millions of Afghans are expected to cast votes in an ostensibly democratic exercise which is expected not only to elect the future president of the country but to demonstrate that only the people of Afghanistan determine their collective destiny. However, undemocratic forces that have constantly gained power and wealth over the past...

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Militants May Plan Attacks Before German Vote

Germany 'Militants May Plan Attacks Before German Vote: Minister', Reuters, 2 July 2009

EXCERPT: "Islamic militants may be planning attacks aimed at influencing public opinion against Germany's Afghanistan mission ahead of a national election, a senior official said on Thursday. Authorities have detected an increase in threatening video messages ahead of the Sept. 27 parliamentary elections, Deputy Interior Minister and former...

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US Marines Try To Retake Afghan Valley From Taliban

'', The New York Times, 2 July 2009

EXCERPT: "Almost 4,000 United States Marines, backed by helicopter gunships, pushed into the volatile Helmand River valley in southwestern Afghanistan on Thursday morning, reporting little resistance from Taliban fighters, whose control of poppy harvests and opium smuggling in the area provides major financing for the Afghan insurgency. 'The...

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