NATO Seeks To Replace US Marine Afghan Mission
13 June 2008
'NATO Seeks To Replace US Marine Afghan Mission', Reuters, 13 June 2008
EXCERPT: "NATO allies have yet to come up with replacements for a key deployment of some 3,000 U.S. Marines due to leave Afghanistan later this year, alliance officials said after talks on Friday [13 June 2008]. The Pentagon sent the Marines to Afghanistan ahead of an expected rise in violence this year, but the troops are scheduled to return home in November and...
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Strengthening the Rule of Law in Afghanistan
13 June 2008
'Strengthening the Rule of Law in Afghanistan: Police and Judicial Sector Need Reform', Center for American Progress, 10 June 2008
EXCERPT: "The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee's National Security and Foreign Affairs Subcommittee will convene next Wednesday to evaluate current U.S. efforts to train and equip Afghanistan police and strengthen the justice system in the country. Over 925 Afghan police were killed in the...
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Militants Attack Afghan Prison With Car Bomb, Free Inmates
13 June 2008
'Militants Attack Afghan Prison With Car Bomb, Free Inmates', FOX News, 13 June 2008
EXCERPT: "Militants attacked the city's main prison with a suicide car bombing and rockets late Friday [13 June 2008], killing police and setting hundreds of prisoners free, Afghan officials said. 'All the prisoners escaped. There is no one left,' said Wali Karzai, president of Kandahar's provincial council and also the brother of President Hamid Karzai....
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May's Combat Deaths In Afghanistan Outnumber Iraq
13 June 2008
'', International Herald Tribune, 13 June 2008
EXCERPT: "It's a grim gauge of U.S. wars going in opposite directions: American and allied combat deaths in Afghanistan passed the toll in Iraq for the first time last month. Defense Secretary Robert Gates used the statistical comparison to dramatize his point to NATO defense ministers that they need to do more to get Afghanistan moving in...
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Japan Extends Airlifting, Refueling Assistance
13 June 2008
'Japan Extends Airlifting, Refueling Assistance in Iraq, Afghanistan', M&C, 13 June 2008
EXCERPT: "The Japanese government decided on Friday to extend the nation's Self-Defence Froces' airlift missions in Iraq and refueling operations in the Indian Ocean. Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda's Cabinet decided to continue Japan's Air Self-Defence Force's airlifting of troops and supplies for the United Nations between Iraq and Kuwait until...
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Sex Trade Thriving In Conservative Afghanistan
13 June 2008
'Sex Trade Thriving In Conservative Afghanistan', Edmonton Sun, 13 June 2008
EXCERPT: "A string of lights spells out the name of the bar in the back of the basement in capital letters: 'PARADISE.' A dozen Chinese women in skintight miniskirts and halter tops flit around clusters of beefy Western men and flirt in broken English. Now and then, a man and woman climb the stairs to the upper reaches of the house, where Paradise does its real...
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Netherlands Threatens Aid Withdrawal
13 June 2008
'', China View, 13 June 2008
EXCERPT: "The Netherlands has threatened to withdraw part of the aid it has pledged to Afghanistan if the country does not step up efforts to reform its judicial sector, Dutch news agency ANP reported Friday [13 June 2008]. Dutch Development Cooperation Minister Bert Koenders announced the ultimatum at the international donor conference...
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ADB Pledges Continued Assistance For Afghanistan
13 June 2008
'ADB Pledges Continued Assistance For Afghanistan', Hindustan Times, 13 June 2008
EXCERPT: "The Asian Development Bank said on Friday [13 June 2008] that it has pledged up to $1.3 billion in new assistance to Afghanistan in the next five years. The Manila-based bank said in a statement that it made the pledge during a donors conference in Paris. During the meeting, bank vice president Liqun Jin said Afghanistan had made remarkable...
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US Military Officials Press NATO Allies For More Troops In Afghanistan
13 June 2008
'US Military Officials Press NATO Allies For More Troops In Afghanistan', Voice of America, 12 June 2008
EXCERPT: "U.S. military officials are pressing their NATO allies to send more forces to Afghanistan to help secure the lawless tribal region along the Pakistani border. U.S. Vice Admiral William Sullivan Thursday warned the situation along the Afghan-Pakistani border could become worse as Pakistan's new government tries to strike peace...
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Kabul Surprised, Pleased With Aid Pledges
13 June 2008
'Kabul Surprised, Pleased With Aid Pledges', Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, 13 June 2008
EXCERPT: " Some $21 billion in aid pledges were made for Afghanistan at an international donors' conference this week in Paris. RFE/RL's Radio Free Afghanistan correspondent Breshna Nazari, who covered the conference, discusses the significance of the event and the reaction of Afghan officials to the aid pledges and the concerns that were raised...
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