Archives for 13 July 2010

Mid-Year Review of the Appeal 2010 for Afghanistan

, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), 11 July 2010

EXCERPT: "The Afghanistan Humanitarian Action Plan (HAP) initially requested US$871 million for humanitarian actions including early recovery. At mid-year this figure has been revised downwards to $773 million to reflect the most urgent needs that can be met between...

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Rogue Afghan Soldier Kills Three UK Troops

, Financial Times, 13 July 2010

EXCERPT: "Nato's operation in Afghanistan suffered a setback on Tuesday when a rogue Afghan soldier killed three British troops and wounded four others inside a compound in Helmand province where he was being trained. In an incident that raises renewed questions about the reliability of the Afghan national security forces, the rogue soldier fired a range of...

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Talks Shouldn't Ignore Taliban Abuse of Women

HRW Talks Shouldn't Ignore Taliban Abuse of Women, Human Rights Watch, 13 July 2010

EXCERPT: "Ongoing Taliban attacks on women in Afghanistan show why women's rights should be a priority in any political agreement with insurgent forces, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today. The Afghan government and its international supporters have ignored the need to protect women in programs to reintegrate insurgent fighters and have not guaranteed...

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US and Afghanistan Debate More Village Forces

, The New York Times, 12 July 2010

EXCERPT: "With American commanders pushing to expand the number of armed village forces in areas where their troops and the local police are scarce, the Afghan president is signaling that he has serious concerns that such a program could return the country to warlordism, challenging the power of the central government. The village forces have been one of...

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