Archives for 15 December 2010

Bomb Kills Three Afghan Children, Civilian Dies in Airstrike

, Reuters, 15 December 2010

EXCERPT: "A bicycle bomb killed three children and wounded six civilians in southern Afghanistan Wednesday at a camp for returning Mecca pilgrims, as it emerged that a civilian died in a NATO air strike. The dead children were selling plastic and paper flowers when the blast struck at a camp near Kandahar city, the spiritual home of the Taliban, police...

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NATO Targets Kandahar Assassin Squads

, Toronto Star, 12 December 2010

EXCERPT: "NATO has given itself a licence to kill those who are murdering government workers in Kandahar, but the mayor of this embattled city says those lurking under the assassin's masks are not all Taliban. The general commanding Canadian troops in the war-wasted region calls hunting down insurgent assassination squads 'an absolute focus.' 'I have some...

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Afghan Prison Guards Targeted On and Off the Job

Afghanistan Afghanistan's Sarpoza Prison Prepares for Possible Problems from Outside Its Walls, Montreal Gazette, 7 December 2010

EXCERPT: "A Sarpoza prison guard's life away from the job is exceedingly dangerous. One of the warden's top lieutenants was assassinated in November, two other guards have been targeted and killed in recent months, and night letters and other threats are common. It's why the warden is praising a Canadian...

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Havens in Pakistan Loom as Biggest Hurdle in Afghanistan

, The Washington Post, 14 December 2010

EXCERPT: "After serving as the senior U.S. diplomat responsible for Kandahar, Bill Harris is convinced that American forces have made 'staggering progress' against insurgents this fall in areas around Afghanistan's second-largest city. But he is equally certain that the overall war will fail if the United States does not find a...

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