Enhancing Afghan Reconstruction
15 May 2009
Bas Rietjens et al, '', Parameters Quarterly // United States Army War College, Spring 2009, Volume XXXIX, Number 115, p.22-39
EXCERPT: "'As Afghanistan is so clearly demonstrating, one reconstructs during conflict and stabilization, not after it. Reconstruction is in many ways the essential process that bridges conflict and stabilization.' The necessities of...
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US Predicts 50 Percent Spike In IEDs
15 May 2009
'', The Associated Press, 15 May 2009
EXCERPT: "Strategically buried in the middle of dirt roads, packed in culverts and attached to trip wires, a heightened hidden danger awaits the thousands of U.S. troops pouring into Afghanistan to fight a tenacious Taliban. The U.S. military expects a 50 percent spike this year in roadside and suicide bombings, which surpassed the number of similar...
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Indian Views On Regionalizing Afghanistan Strategies
15 May 2009
'', Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, Bulletin 307, 14 May 2009
EXCERPT: "The allies of the United States are adjusting their Afghan policies in the wake of Washington's new ?AfPak? strategy. So far this regional approach only tiptoes toward a recalibration of tactics involving regional states. Many in Delhi argue that the mission to go to war in Afghanistan...
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US Must Act To Protect Civilians: HRW
15 May 2009
'Afghanistan: US Should Act To End Bombing Tragedies', Human Rights Watch, 14 May 2009
EXCERPT: "The review announced by Gen. David Petraeus, chief of the US Central Command, into the use of airstrikes by US forces in Afghanistan needs to produce fundamental changes to reduce civilian casualties, Human Rights Watch said today. The announcement of the review followed a US bombing in Bala Baluk district of Farah province in western...
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