Archives for 13 January 2009

Pomegranates Usurp Afghan Poppies

Afghanistan 'Pomegranates Usurp Afghan Poppies', ONLINE International News Network, 13 January 2009

EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's heavy economic reliance on illicit opium poppies has long been an impediment for the country's development. The most recent attempt to usurp the crop's importance will see it replaced with pomegranates. The drive to replace Afghan poppies is part of a US$12m dollar American initiative to update and expand...

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Afghan Insurgency Inspiring New Fighters: Analysts

'', AFP, 12 January 2009

EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's long years of unrest have produced a new generation of Islamic militants, many of them bent on holy war, who are reinforcing the 'old Taliban' in their deadly insurgency, analysts say. When the Taliban regime was toppled in a US-led invasion in late 2001, the hardliners were considered a spent force. But in their...

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Afghan Force Supplies Face Pakistani Disruption

Pakistan 'Afghan Force Supplies Face Pakistani Disruption', Reuters, 13 January 2009

EXCERPT: "Western military supplies passing through Pakistan to Afghanistan faced more disruption on Tuesday after protesters blocked one route and militants launched the first attack in two weeks on another. Pakistani supply routes to land-locked Afghanistan are vital for Western forces battling a resurgent Taliban and they are likely to become only...

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How US Tries To Limit Civilian Deaths In Afghanistan

US 'How US Tries To Limit Civilian Deaths In Afghanistan', The Christian Science Monitor, 13 January 2009

EXCERPT: "In recent months, coalition deaths here have outnumbered those in Iraq, and attacks in 2008 were up by 28 percent over the previous year, says Col. Skip Davis, strategic adviser to Gen. David McKiernan, who commands the approximately 70,000 troops in Afghanistan. A record 294 NATO soldiers were killed in Afghanistan...

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