Cost Of Insecurity Impedes Humanitarian Work
14 July 2009
'Afghanistan: Cost Of Insecurity Impedes Humanitarian Work', IRIN News, 14 July 2009
EXCERPT: "Armoured vehicles, armed escorts, blast-resistant walls and other security measures have made humanitarian work in Afghanistan more expensive and risky than ever before, say analysts. Movement of humanitarian convoys and protection of staff and facilities have also become costly and challenging because of widespread attacks and threats....
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Microcredit And Rural Livelihoods In Afghanistan
14 July 2009
Paula Kantor, 'From Access To Impact: Microcredit And Rural Livelihoods In Afghanistan', Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, 13 July 2009
EXCERPT: "Since 2003, partners of the Microfinance Investment Support Facility for Afghanistan (MISFA) have worked to build a sustainable financial services sector to extend access to credit to urban and rural Afghans. The delivery of microcredit (MC) was prioritised during reconstruction...
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UN Envoy Calls For Fair Election
14 July 2009
Kai Eide, 'UN Envoy Kai Eide On Afghanistan's Critical Election', Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, 13 July 2009
EXCERPT: "With the presidential election a little more than one month away and a major military offensive under way, the current situation in Afghanistan is the most complex we have experienced for many years. However, if managed well, it could also become a turning point in our efforts to bring the conflict...
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Terrorism Kills More Civilians Than Military Action
14 July 2009
'Terrorism Kills More Afghan Civilians Than Any Military Action: UN Mission', UN News Centre, 13 July 2009
EXCERPT: "The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) has spoken out against the use of suicide bombings and other terrorist activities, which it says kills more civilians than any other military action. The reaction came after last Thursday's bomb blast in Logar province which killed more than 20 people,...
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