U.S. Efforts to Train and Equip Police and Enhance the Justice Sector
20 June 2008
'Oversight of U.S. Efforts to Train and Equip Police and Enhance the Justice System in Afghanistan', United States House of Representatives / Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, 18 June 2008
SUMMARY: "On Wednesday, June 18th at 10:00 am, the Subcommittee on National Security and Foreign Affairs will conduct an oversight hearing into U.S. efforts to train and equip Afghan police and to strengthen the Afghan justice...
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Lessons From Provincial Reconstruction Teams
20 June 2008
'Strategic Agility for 21st Century Challenges - Interagency Lessons from Provincial Reconstruction Teams', Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), 19 June 2008
SUMMARY: "Representative Vic Snyder, chairman of the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, spoke at CSIS on the effectiveness of Provincial Reconstruction Teams (PRTs) in Afghanistan and Iraq. The event was moderated by Frederick Barton,...
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Addressing the US-Pakistan Strategic Relationship
20 June 2008
'Addressing the US-Pakistan Strategic Relationship', US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs / Subcommittee on Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services, and International Security, 12 June 2008
SUMMARY: "Political instability, a growing Islamic insurgency, a demoralized army, and an intensely anti-American population put Pakistan's nuclear weapons at risk. Given these factors and...
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NATO Requests More Troops, Soldiers in Khost Fight Insurgents
20 June 2008
'As NATO Requests More Troops, Soldiers in Khost Fight Insurgents, Help to Rebuild', Voice of America, 19 June 2008
EXCERPT: "Coalition troops in Afghanistan see themselves as fighting on more than one front. There is the shooting war against remnants of the Taliban and al Qaida and the battle for the hearts and minds of the Afghan people. The small Afghan town of Khost, near the Pakistani border, is a key battleground. Here, American...
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UK Troop Morale "Never Better"
20 June 2008
'UK Troop Morale "Never Better"', BBC News, 20 June 2008
EXCERPT: "The commander of British forces in Helmand has said that despite the deaths of nine colleagues, troop morale has 'probably never been better'. Brig Mark Carleton-Smith said it had been a 'bruising fortnight' in Afghanistan, but he saw 'resolve and determination' despite 'sad' losses. The commander said he would like more resources, particularly helicopters,...
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Interview: Rick Corsino, UN WFP Director In Afghanistan
20 June 2008
'Interview: Rick Corsino, UN World Food Programme Director In Afghanistan', BlogCritics, 19 June 2008
EXCERPT: "Crucial to the reconstruction of Afghanistan is the health and well being of its children. Food and education are crucial elements for Afghanistan to become a peaceful and prosperous democracy, but years of conflict, natural disasters, and now soaring food prices are hard to overcome. Children's health and education are constantly...
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A Fair And Equitable Burden For Europe's NATO Allies
20 June 2008
NATO's Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, 'A Fair And Equitable Burden For Europe's NATO Allies', Taipei Times, 20 June 2008
EXCERPT: " When discussing Afghanistan, many newspapers continue to suggest that some of Europe's NATO allies are under-performing in Afghanistan, and are either unable or unwilling to make a greater effort. Naturally, these allies feel that their efforts are under-valued. What is a fair and equitable burden?....
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Afghanistan In An Amorphous War
20 June 2008
Paul Rogers, 'Afghanistan In An Amorphous War', International Relations and Security Network (ISN), 20 June 2008
EXCERPT: "An incident causing major loss of life in Iraq, and an enduring pattern of low-level violence in North Africa, have created concern that the cautious sense of progress in the campaign against al-Qaida in recent months may prove more apparent than real. Even these serious events, however, are overshadowed by evidence...
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20 June 2008
'ICBL Concerned By Taliban Mine Use Allegations', International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), 19 June 2008
EXCERPT: "Major news media reports have repeated the allegation that the Taliban have recently laid mines in Arghandab District of Kandahar Province. The news reports do not specify if these are antipersonnel mines. 'The reports of antipersonnel mine use by the Taliban received over the past 18 months are very worrying as ?...
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Smuggling Heroin Out Of Afghanistan
20 June 2008
'Smuggling Heroin Out Of Afghanistan', Sky News, 20 June 2008
EXCERPT: "It is both the country's biggest asset and greatest problem - the highly addictive drug refined from its poppy fields that supplies over half of Afghanistan's wealth. The international community and the Afghan government claim they are fighting back against the trade, but the truth is that the vast bulk makes it across the country's porous borders. There are two...
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