Archives for 27 July 2010

UN Group Investigates Mercenaries

UNUN Group Investigates Mercenaries, UPI, 26 July 2010

EXCERPT: "More oversight and monitoring at the national and international level are needed for private military contractors, a U.N. group said. A U.N. working group on the use of mercenaries and private military and security companies is briefing U.N. delegates on the international mechanisms needed to regulate such activity during a weeklong conference at U.N. headquarters this week. Private...

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Mass Grave Cover-Ups Undermine Justice

AfghanistanMass Grave Cover-Ups Undermine Justice, IRIN News, 27 July 2010

EXCERPT: "Three years after President Hamid Karzai appointed a commission to investigate a mass grave site in the Chimtala plains, north of Kabul city, the site, the commission and the truth are missing. Commission chairman Mawlawi Fazel Hadi Shinwari has been in a coma in hospital in India for over eight months, according to government officials. 'I have no knowledge about...

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Afghans Pose Awkward Questions for US Military Chief

, AFP, 26 July 2010

EXCERPT: "The US military's top-ranking officer fielded some tricky questions in a meeting with Afghan tribal elders on Monday, as he underlined Washington's long-term commitment to the country. Over tea in polystyrene cups at a US military base in the southern city of Kandahar, birthplace of the Taliban, Admiral Mike Mullen invited three community leaders...

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US Soldiers Charged With Fuel Theft

USUS Soldiers Charged With Fuel Theft, The Wall Street Journal, 27 July 2010

EXCERPT: "U.S. investigators arrested two U.S. soldiers and suspended a pair of Afghan trucking companies on suspicions they helped the soldiers steal $1.6 million in fuel from a military base in eastern Afghanistan. The arrests and suspensions come amid rising scrutiny of the $2.16 billion trucking contract system that has successfully supplied coalition troops...

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