Archives for 03 September 2010

Afghan Poll Fears Grow After Another Candidate Hurt

AfghanistanAfghan Poll Fears Grow After Another Candidate Hurt, Reuters, 3 September 2010

EXCERPT: "Concerns over security and transparency in Afghanistan's parliamentary election grew on Friday after another candidate was attacked and a German observer sought to temper expectations of the poll. The September 18 vote is seen as a litmus test for stability, as well as a test of the credibility of Afghan President Hamid Karzai after a fraud-marred...

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Kabul Bank Run May Pose More Immediate Threat Than Afghan Taliban

AfghanistanKabul Bank Run May Pose More Immediate Threat Than Afghan Taliban, The Christian Science Monitor, 3 September 2010

EXCERPT: "Even as it battles a resurgent and spreading Taliban, the beleaguered government of Afghan President Hamid Karzai is facing a more immediate threat: a run on the country's largest banks. This week, droves of depositors rushed offices of Afghanistan's Kabul Bank, pulling out their money amid concerns that bank has...

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Special-Ops on Show to Woo War Skeptics

, The Associated Press, 3 September 2010

EXCERPT: "The new top commander in Afghanistan is talking up a weapon that has been kept in the shadows for years ? special operations missions to kill or capture key insurgents ? to try to convince skeptics the war can be won. More than previous commanders, Gen. David Petraeus has released the results of special operations missions ? 235 militant...

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Gates Says Pakistan Havens Still Threaten Afghanistan

PakistanGates Says Pakistan Havens Still Threaten Afghanistan, Reuters, 3 September 2010

EXCERPT: "Militants operating out of safe havens in Pakistan remain a major threat to Afghanistan but cooperation between NATO-led forces and the Pakistani military is increasing, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Friday. Devastating floods over the past month have delayed Pakistan's military from going after militants in the Federally Administered...

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