Archives for 25 November 2009

UK: NATO to Offer 5,000 Troops for Afghanistan

, The Associated Press, 25 November 2009

EXCERPT: "British Prime Minister Gordon Brown said Wednesday that NATO nations are ready to offer about 5,000 more troops for the war in Afghanistan. Brown's spokesman, Simon Lewis, said the British leader is optimistic about the pledges of additional personnel following talks with about 10 NATO nations in recent weeks. Lewis said Brown has written...

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Elections and the Crisis of Governance

ICG Afghanistan: Elections and the Crisis of Governance, International Crisis Group, 25 November 2009

EXCERPT: "President Hamid Karzai's re-election on 2 November 2009, following widespread fraud in the 20 August presidential and provincial polls, has delivered a critical blow to his government's legitimacy. The deeply flawed polls have eroded public confidence in the electoral process and in the international community's commitment to the...

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Mullah Omar Rejects Karzai Call for Talks

, AFP, 25 November 2009

EXCERPT: "Mullah Mohammad Omar, leader of Afghanistan's Taliban militia, on Wednesday rejected a call from President Hamid Karzai for peace talks, in a statement issued ahead of the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha. Karzai was inaugurated last week after winning a fraud-tainted August poll and used a speech to again call for the Taliban to rejoin the political process in Afghanistan,...

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A Report on Afghanistan Obligations Under the ICC

, Afghanistan Watch, 21 November 2009

EXCERPT: "'Afghanistan Watch' has newly started its activities as the Afghan member of the Coalition for International Criminal Court (CICC). The first activity of Afghanistan Watch was organizing a consultative meeting titled as 'Obligations of Afghanistan...

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