Archives for 20 October 2009

Western Terror Recruits On The Rise

Taliban 'Western Terror Recruits On The Rise', CBS News, 19 October 2009

EXCERPT: "U.S. and European counterterrorism officials say a rising number of Western recruits - including Americans - are traveling to Afghanistan and Pakistan to attend paramilitary training camps. The flow of recruits has continued unabated, officials said, in spite of an intensified campaign over the past year by the CIA to eliminate al-Qaeda and Taliban commanders...

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Germans Thrust Into "War" In Perilous Afghan North

Germany  'Germans Thrust Into "War" In Perilous Afghan North', Reuters, 20 September 2009

EXCERPT: "German Lieutenant Jens U. marvels at how violent this lush corner of northern Afghanistan has become since his first deployment to the region in 2006. Back then, Taliban fighters were a rare sight. His platoon could drive through the dusty streets of Kunduz and the green valley that surrounds it in lightly-armoured...

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Pentagon Announces Planned Afghan Troop Rotations

'', AFP, 20 October 2009

EXCERPT: "The Pentagon announced Tuesday deployments of about 11,000 troops to Afghanistan next year and a squadron of MV-22 tilt-rotor aircraft leaving next month as part of already planned rotations. The deployments of three combat brigades in spring and fall of 2010 would replace departing units and not augment the approximately 68,000-strong force in Afghanistan,...

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Karzai Orders Security Chiefs To Prepare Run-Off

Afghanistan 'Karzai Orders Security Chiefs To Prepare For Elections Run-Off', Times Online, 20 October 2009

EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's security chiefs have been ordered to make emergency preparations for a second round of voting, in the clearest sign yet that Hamid Karzai will admit he didn't win August's fraud-ridden presidential poll. Senior Afghan officials at the Ministry of Interior in Kabul said the president had authorised...

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