Leak May Have Led To Taliban Ambush On French
27 August 2008
'Leak May Have Led To Taliban Ambush On French', France24, 27 August 2008
EXCERPT: "New information surfaced Wednesday on the death on August 18 of 10 French soldiers who, while on a reconnaissance mission in Eastern Afghanistan, were ambushed by Taliban insurgents. French satirical weekly Le Canard Encha?n?, reputed for its investigative reporting and political scoops, suggested that the French patrol may have been betrayed by their...
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Don't Expect Miracles In Afghanistan: Canadian Envoy
27 August 2008
'Don't Expect Miracles In Afghanistan: Canadian Envoy', CTV News, 27 August 2008
EXCERPT: "Don't expect any miracles by the time Canada's military commitment to Afghanistan ends in 2011, says the outgoing Canadian ambassador to the country. Arif Lalani, who has held the position for 15 months, said the mission is a difficult one and great challenges lie ahead. But he said progress is being made. 'In 2011 I think Canadians should not...
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Afghanistan Death Rate For British Troops Tops Iraq
27 August 2008
'Afghanistan Death Rate For British Troops Tops Height Of Iraq Fighting', The Telegraph, 27 August 2008
EXCERPT: "Eight in every 1,000 UK servicemen and women sent to the country to fight the Taliban this summer has been killed after a sharp increase in roadside bomb attacks by insurgents in Helmand Province, analysis of casualty figures shows. Following some of the bloodiest months since US-led coalition forces were first sent to Afghanistan...
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Afghan Opposition Wants International Crisis Meet
27 August 2008
'Afghan Opposition Wants International Crisis Meet', Reuters India, 27 August 2008
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan is going through a critical period and an international meeting including Taliban-led insurgents should be held to ward off crisis, the country's main opposition group said on Wednesday [27 August 2008]. Attacks by the al Qaeda-backed Taliban have dramatically jumped in the past three years in Afghanistan, with militants appearing...
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