Archives for 09 March 2010

Women's Rights Movement Slowly Taking Shape in Kabul

Afghanistan Women's Rights Movement Slowly Taking Shape in Kabul, Eurasia Net, 8 March 2010

EXCERPT: "Palwasha Hassan had no idea that her impressive resume would be her undoing when her nomination to become Afghanistan's minister of women's affairs came up for confirmation in parliament in January. Hassan's qualifications should have assured her fast confirmation. She set up one of the first shelters for battered and abused Afghan women, and runs...

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Zabul Province Caught in Afghan Numbers Game

, The Washington Post, 9 March 2010

EXCERPT: "To work in Zabul province these days is to feel forsaken. The Americans pulled a battalion out in December. The Afghan government promises help but sends little. Meanwhile, Taliban fighters continue to pour in.' I am alone,' said Abdul Qayoom Khan, who has watched it all from his lonely perch as a district governor. This...

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Afghan President to Host April Peace Conference

, The Associated Press, 9 March 2010

EXCERPT: "Afghan President Hamid Karzai said Monday that an action plan to reintegrate low- to mid-level insurgent fighters into society and negotiate with the Taliban's top echelon will be crafted next month at a peace conference aimed at ending the war. Karzai has already extended the government's offer to members of the Taliban who renounce ties to al-Qaida...

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Corrupt Afghans Stealing Millions from Aid Funds

, The Independent, 7 March 2010

EXCERPT: "A major investigation has been launched into contracts awarded by coalition forces in Afghanistan that are worth hundreds of millions of pounds. The probe into construction and logistics contracts of the International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) has been ordered by Major General Nick Carter, commander of Isaf forces in the south of the country. It...

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