Archives for 08 April 2008

India Rules Out Military Involvement In Afghanistan

India'India Rules Out Military Involvement In Afghanistan', New Kerala, 8 April 2008

EXCERPT: "India ruled out any military involvement in Afghanistan, which is facing Taliban resurgence once again, as the defence ministers of the two countries met Tuesday [8 April 2008]. 'India has been helping in rebuilding and rehabilitation in Afghanistan and will continue doing so. However, there will not be any military involvement there,' Defence Minister...

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US General McNeill Warns Of A More Ruthless Taliban

US'US General McNeill Warns Of A More Ruthless Taliban', The Times Online, 8 April 2008

EXCERPT: "Al-Qaeda is seeking increasingly to join the fight against NATO troops in Afghanistan while younger, more ruthless leaders are rising within the ranks of the Taliban, the commanding general of the alliance has claimed. General Dan McNeill said there was evidence that young, radical Afghan guerrillas, some influenced by al-Qaeda, were moving...

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FAO: Extreme Winter Weather In Central Asia And Its Effects On Food Security

FAO'FAO: Extreme Winter Weather In Central Asia And Its Effects On Food Security', Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations / ReliefWeb, 8 April 2008

EXCERPT: "High poverty and food insecurity rates persist in Central Asia following the collapse and re-structuring of large-scale collective or state farms of the former USSR. In addition to agricultural products, these farms once provided schools, health services, housing and...

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French Goverment Wins No-Confidence Vote On Afghanistan

France'French Goverment Wins No-Confidence Vote On Afghanistan', Reuters, 8 April 2008

EXCERPT: "The French government easily survived its first no-confidence vote in parliament on Tuesday [8 April 2008], facing down opposition charges that it was sending extra troops to Afghanistan simply to please its U.S. allies. President Nicolas Sarkozy announced this month that France would dispatch up to 1,000 extra troops to Afghanistan, where it is...

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Children Work To Help Pay Off Family Debts

Afghanistan'Children Work In Brick Factories To Help Pay Off Family Debts', Integrated Regional Information Network, 8 April 2008

EXCERPT: "Over 2,200 children are working long hours in dozens of brick-making factories in Nangarhar Province, eastern Afghanistan, to pay off their families' debts, a survey by the Child Action Protection Network (CAPN), an Afghan body, has found. Up to 90 percent of 2,298 children - boys and girls - who work...

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ICRC: War Spreading Across Afghanistan

'', Associated Press, 8 April 2008

EXCERPT: "The war in Afghanistan is spreading across the country, forcing thousands of people to flee their homes this year, the International Red Cross said Tuesday [8 April 2008] during the visit of its president. 'There is growing insecurity and a clear intensification of the armed conflict, which is no longer limited to the south but has spread to the east...

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