30 Civilians Killed in NATO Strike: Commission
14 September 2009
'Afghan Commission Says 30 Civilians Killed in NATO Strike', VOA News, 13 September 2009
EXCERPT: "An Afghan government-appointed commission says 30 Afghan civilians were killed and nine wounded in a NATO air strike earlier this month in the northern province of Kunduz. One investigator in the commission, Mohammadullah Baktash, says 69 Taliban also were killed when a German commander ordered the strike on Taliban militants...
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Polio Makes A Return To Afghanistan
14 September 2009
'', AFP, 14 September 2009
EXCERPT: "Health care, or the lack of it, is one of many problems facing Afghanistan, eight years after a war to topple the extremist Taliban regime and the arrival of billions of dollars in international aid. 'All the people of Ghor province are sick,' said provincial Governor Sayed Mohammad Iqbal. 'By that I am not referring to specific...
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Afghan Presidential Candidate Calls For Criminal Enquiry
14 September 2009
'Afghan Presidential Candidate Calls For Criminal Enquiry', Indian Express, 14 September 2009
EXCERPT: "Accusing President Hamid Karzai of staging 'state engineered fraud', his main challenger in Afghanistan's presidential elections Abdullah Abdullah has said that this amounted to worse than a crime. 'The massive vote rigging in last month's elections is worse than a crime, it's treason,' Abdullah...
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US Grants Legal Rights To 600 Bagram Prisoners
14 September 2009
'', The Independent, 14 September 2009
EXCERPT: "The Pentagon is expected this week to announce steps to bolster the minimal legal rights of some 600 prisoners held at the Bagram air base in Afghanistan, that will allow them for the first time to hear the specific charges against them and challenge the basis of their detention. The review is, however, unlikely to satisfy critics...
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