Archives for 22 May 2009

Assessment Of Corruption In Afghanistan

'', United States Agency for International Development, March 2009

EXCERPT: "USAID/Afghanistan commissioned an assessment to provide a strategy, program options, and recommendations on needs and opportunities to strengthen the capacity and political will of the Government of Afghanistan to fulfill its National Anti-Corruption Strategy. This report thus assesses the issue of corruption...

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New Afghan Force Joins Fight Against Taliban

Afghanistan 'New Afghan Force Joins Fight Against Taliban', NPR, 21 May 2009

EXCERPT: "In central Afghanistan, the latest graduates of a new security program targeting the Taliban assumed their duties Thursday on the outskirts of Kabul. The 'Guardians,' as the Afghan force is called by its U.S. Special Forces mentors, are part of the pilot Afghan Public Protection Program that American and Afghan officials hope to re-create across...

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UK Backs Afghan Efforts To Reintegrate Taliban

UK 'UK Backs Afghan Efforts To Reintegrate Taliban', Reuters, 21 May 2009

EXCERPT: "Britain voiced support on Thursday for Afghan government efforts to reintegrate Taliban insurgents who abandon violence, saying a political settlement is needed to bring peace to the country. 'Peace and security in Afghanistan does not turn purely on the men in uniform; it depends on a broader and more inclusive poiltical settlement,' British...

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US Audit Faults Security Spending in Afghanistan

'', The Associated Press, 19 May 2009

EXCERPT: "The military command overseeing $15 billion in U.S. programs to develop Afghanistan's security forces cannot be sure the money is being managed effectively, a top government watchdog warned Tuesday. In its first audit report since being formed a year ago, the office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction...

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