Afghan National Security Forces Show Progress
28 October 2008
'Afghan National Security Forces Show Progress', Media-Newswire, 28 October 2008
EXCERPT: "The mood of Afghan citizens has changed dramatically in the past year due to the progress the Afghan security forces have made, a senior military official said Oct. 24. 'I've seen a lot of progress here in the Afghan army and police,' Army Col. Bill Hix, commander of Afghan Regional Security Integration Command South, said to...
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US Mulls Talks With Taliban In Bid To Quell Afghan Unrest
28 October 2008
'US Mulls Talks With Taliban In Bid To Quell Afghan Unrest', The Wall Street Journal, 28 October 2008
EXCERPT: "The U.S. is actively considering talks with elements of the Taliban, the armed Islamist group that once ruled Afghanistan and sheltered al Qaeda, in a major policy shift that would have been unthinkable a few months ago. Senior White House and military officials believe that engaging some levels of the Taliban -- while...
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Afghanistan in 2008: A Survey of the Afghan People
28 October 2008
'Afghanistan in 2008: A Survey of the Afghan People', The Asia Foundation, 28 October 2008
EXCERPT: "Although on a declining trend since 2006, 38 percent of survey respondents say the country is moving in the right direction, while 32 percent say it is moving in the wrong direction, and 23 percent have mixed views. There is a clear trend towards greater pessimism over the last two years. The security situation is both the main...
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Are Theological Tensions Distancing Taliban From Al-Qaeda?
28 October 2008
'Are Theological Tensions Distancing Taliban From Al-Qaeda?', Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, 28 October 2008
EXCERPT: "Is this end of a beautiful friendship?. The Taliban and Al-Qaeda have enjoyed a long alliance in Afghanistan. Their relationship, based on a seemingly shared brand of severe and militant Islam, even survived the U.S.-led toppling of the Taliban in 2001, which came after leader Mullah Omar famously refused...
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