Archives for 21 May 2008

Afghanistan's Drugs Economy: Corrupting or Consolidating the Peace?

International PeacekeepingJonathan Goodhand, 'Corrupting or Consolidating the Peace? The Drugs Economy and Post-conflict Peacebuilding in Afghanistan', International Peacekeeping, Volume 15, Issue 3 June 2008 , pages 405 - 423

ABSTRACT: "This article examines how the drugs economy emerged, evolved and adapted to transformations in Afghanistan's political economy. With a primary focus on the conflictual war to peace transition following the signing of the Bonn...

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The Evolution of Insurgent Operations in Kandahar Province

Small WarsSean M. Maloney, 'A violent impediment: the evolution of insurgent operations in Kandahar province 2003-07', Small Wars & Insurgencies, Volume 19, Issue 2 June 2008 , pages 201 - 220

ABSTRACT: Theorizing about Taliban operations in Afghanistan has its limits and it is possible that Kabul-centric strategies do not adequately address the unique circumstances of each region in the country. How exactly has the Taliban gone about attaining...

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Pakistan Agrees to 'Peace Agreement' with Taliban

PakistanDeclan Walsh, 'Pakistan signs deal with Taliban militants', The Guardian, 21 May 2008

EXCERPT: "The Pakistani government has agreed to withdraw troops and introduce Sharia law in the conflict-ravaged Swat valley in exchange for a halt to Taliban suicide bombings and attacks on government buildings. The peace deal was signed this afternoon by the newly elected government of North-West Frontier province (NWFP) and representatives of extremist...

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Is a Pakistan Truce Good for the United States?


Is a Pakistan Truce Good for the United States? An Interview With Daniel Markey, Senior Fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia, Council on Foreign Relations, May 21, 2008

EXCERPT: "Daniel Markey, a former State Department specialist on South Asia for the Policy Planning Council, has just returned from a trip to Pakistan. He says the United States should be concerned about the negotiations going on between the Pakistan army and...

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Disarmament Program Failing For Lack of Political Will

Csd Antonio Giustozzi, 'Bureaucratic faade and political realities of disarmament and demobilisation in Afghanistan,' Conflict, Security and Development, Volume 8, Issue 2 June 2008 , pages 169-192

ABSTRACT: Internationally sponsored disarmament and demobilisation in Afghanistan was characterised by a marked divergence between the bureaucratic process designed by the UN and the political reality of disarmament. The bureaucratic process had...

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