Archives for 03 June 2010

UN Security Council Will Visit Afghanistan Later This Month

, The Canadian Press, 3 June 2010

EXCERPT: "The U.N. Security Council will visit Afghanistan later this month to evaluate the current situation on the ground, the council president announced Wednesday. Mexico's U.N. Ambassador Claude Heller said the exact focus of the trip is still being discussed but 'the main proposal will be to have an evaluation...

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Jirga Continues as Violence Rocks South

Afghanistan Afghan Peace Conference Continues as Violence Rocks South, VOA News, 3 June 2010

EXCERPT: "Delegates from across Afghanistan are meeting for a second day in Kabul, pushing ahead with a peace conference to end more than eight years of war. The question of direct talks with Taliban leaders are expected to dominate Thursday's agenda. President Hamid Karzai said during his opening remarks Wednesday that al-Qaida members and those...

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Afghan Deployment Past 2011 Possible: MPs

Canada Afghan Deployment Past 2011 Possible: MPs, CBC News, 3 June 2010

EXCERPT: "A group of MPs visiting Afghanistan has left the door open for an agreement in Parliament to keep some Canadian troops in the country after the current mission ends next summer. At the end of their five-day visit, members of the parliamentary committee on the Afghan mission said that they were surprised at the level of success the Canadians have had militarily,...

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UN Report Faults Prolific Use of Drone Strikes by US

US UN Report Faults Prolific Use of Drone Strikes by US, Los Angeles Times, 3 June 2010

EXCERPT: "The campaign of CIA drone strikes against suspected militants in Pakistan has made the United States 'the most prolific user of targeted killings' in the world, said a United Nations official, who urged that responsibility for the program be taken from the spy agency. Philip Alston, a New York University law professor who serves as the...

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