Archives for 30 July 2009

Tripartite Agreement On Voluntary Repatriation

'', China View, 30 July 2009

EXCERPT: "Pakistan, Afghanistan and UNHCR will work closely for a comprehensive strategy of voluntary repatriation of Afghan refugees while creating conducive conditions in Afghanistan for their resettlement and reintegration, a Pakistani minister said Thursday. After attending the 17th session of the Tripartite Commission on Afghan...

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Afghan, Pakistani Conflicts Spilling Into Central Asia?

Tajikistan 'Afghan, Pakistani Conflicts Spilling Into Central Asian States?', The Christian Science Monitor, 30 July 2009

EXCERPT: "A spate of militant clashes in Tajikistan may indicate that the conflicts in Afghanistan and Pakistan are spilling beyond their borders ? a top concern for neighboring Central Asian nations and Russia. The rise in violence comes as Pakistan wraps up an assault on militants in the north and Western forces...

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Problems Plague Rebuilding Of War-Torn Afghanistan

'', The Associated Press, 30 July 2009

EXCERPT: "The special inspector general overseeing tens of billions of dollars in Afghanistan reconstruction projects is warning of a lack of direction and communication among the U.S. agencies handling the work. Inspector General Arnold Fields says that coordination between the Americans and the Afghans is also poor, leading to a disjointed...

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Taliban Vows To Disrupt Afghan Election

Taliban 'Taliban Vows To Disrupt Afghan Election', VOA News, 30 July 2009

EXCERPT: "The Taliban says it intends to disrupt Afghanistan's upcoming presidential elections, and is calling on Afghans to boycott the vote and attack foreigners. In a statement posted on the Internet Thursday, the extremist group calls the August 20 election an 'American process' meant to deceive the Afghan people. The Taliban says, instead of...

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