Archives for 25 May 2009

The Afghan-Pakistan War: "Clear, Hold, Build"

CSIS 'The Afghan-Pakistan War: "Clear, Hold, Build"', Center for Strategic & International Studies, 20 May 2009

EXCERPT: "President Obama and top US officials have made it clear that the United States is not winning in Afghanistan. Put differently, the United States and its allies are winning at the level of tactical military encounters, but they are losing in political terms and in terms of Taliban and Jihadist influence...

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Journalist Attacked As Election Approaches

Afghanistan'Afghanistan's Election Gets Rough, And It Hasn't Even Started',, 25 May 2009

EXCERPT: "This country's presidential campaign has not been formally launched but there are already signs it will be a rough-and-tumble affair. On Sunday, prominent local journalist Mohammad Yar lodged a complaint with the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission after receiving a 'politically motivated' beating from...

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"Civilian Surge" Sparks Concern, Debate

'', AFP, 25 May 2009

EXCERPT: "Reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan need a radical rethink, some politicians and officials here have warned, as the country prepares for an influx of hundreds of foreign civilian specialists. The first of at least 600 experts have begun arriving in Afghanistan in a bid to bolster the fight against a Taliban-led insurgency that shows no signs...

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War On Drugs And War On Terror

Afghanistan Daniela Corti and Ashok Swain, 'War On Drugs And War On Terror: Case Of Afghanistan', The Peace and Conflict Review, Spring 2009, Volume 3, Issue 2, p.41-53

EXCERPT: "The traditional security concept has come under serious scrutiny these days for its inability to address the newly emerging challenges. New threats and emerging challenges to state security posed by the current context ? increasing internal conflicts, explosion of...

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