Britain Building Pakistan Border Force Camp
09 October 2009
'', AFP, 9 October 2009
EXCERPT: "Britain is building a training camp for Pakistan's paramilitary Frontier Corps to help in the fight against the Taliban in the lawless border area with southern Afghanistan, a report said Friday. The Times said Britain also planned to base 24 army trainers at the camp in the southwestern province of Baluchistan for a three-year stint from...
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Taliban, Al Qaeda Helped By Global Warming
09 October 2009
'Taliban, Al Qaeda Helped By Warming: US Intel', ABC News, 9 October 2009
EXCERPT: "'The Taliban' and 'global warming' may not seem to belong in the same sentence. But a number of U.S. intelligence and military studies recently made public describe how man-made climate change plays into the hands of terrorist groups in many countries -- and specifically, aggravates the war in Afghanistan by giving a boost to the...
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Emerging Goal: Weaken, Not Vanquish, Taliban
09 October 2009
'', The Washington Post, 9 October 2009
EXCERPT: "As it reviews its Afghanistan policy for the second time this year, the Obama administration has concluded that the Taliban cannot be eliminated as a political or military movement, regardless of how many combat forces are sent into battle. The Taliban and the question of how the administration should regard the Islamist...
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UN Extends NATO Force In Afghanistan For A Year
09 October 2009
'', The Associated Press, 9 October 2009
EXCERPT: "The Security Council voted Thursday to extend U.N. authorization for NATO's 70,000-strong force in Afghanistan for a year, emphasizing the importance of protecting civilians just as the U.S. and international commitment to the war is under review. Britain's U.N. Ambassador John Sawers said the resolution's unanimous...
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