Archives for 04 May 2011

More Optimism about Afghanistan, But No Change in Views on Troop Deployment, Terrorism

US FlagThe killing of Osama bin Laden has bolstered the public's confidence on two fronts: that the government can prevent a possible terrorist attack, and that the U.S. will succeed in achieving its goals in Afghanistan. However, the public's basic views about U.S. forces in Afghanistan and the threat of terrorism in the United States have not fundamentally changed. The public remains divided over whether the U.S. should keep troops in Afghanistan until...

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Pakistan, Afghanistan, US to Form "Core Group" on Peace and Reconciliation

af-pak-flagPakistan, Afghanistan and the US reaffirmed on Tuesday to work together for peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan, quelling the impression that Islamabad wanted to push the US out of the Afghan end game. “It was agreed that the three would constitute a core group for promoting and facilitating the process of reconciliation and peace in Afghanistan which must be an Afghan-led and Afghan-owned process,” a Foreign Office statement said...

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Religious Institution Building in Afghanistan: An Exploration

Afghanistan’s religious schools – the madrasas – are frequently accused by Afghan and foreign media and policy analysts of providing outdated and poor-quality religious schooling, educating children to unemployment, promoting narrow and intolerant worldviews, and ultimately contributing to radicalization and recruitment to militant groups. In response to criticism that it lacks control over the madrasas and what they teach, the...

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