Archives for 05 January 2009

In Afghanistan Another Gitmo Grows

Afghanistan 'Guantanamo may Close, But In Afghanistan Another Gitmo Grows', TIME, 5 January 2009

EXCERPT: "The incoming Obama Administration says it wants to shut down the U.S. military prison at Guant?namo Bay. But even if Guant?namo closes, it won't end the controversial U.S. practice of jailing suspected al-Qaeda militants and other terrorists indefinitely. That's because such detentions continue on an even greater scale at the...

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Little to Eat for IDPs in Makeshift Kabul Camp

Afghanistan 'Little to Eat for IDPs in Makeshift Kabul Camp', IRIN News, 5 January 2009

EXCERPT:"Azizullah's family left their home in the Sangin District of Helmand Province, southern Afghanistan, because of the worsening conflict, drought and food security situation. Their new home is a one-room mud-hut in the western outskirts of Kabul where over 4,500 internally displaced persons (IDPs) have established a makeshift camp. The Ministry...

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The Business Of Bombs In Afghanistan

Afghanistan 'The Business Of Bombs In Afghanistan', Strategy Page, 5 January 2009

EXCERPT: "As in Iraq, the roadside bomb is becoming major industry in some areas of Afghanistan. In 2007, about a thousand of these bombs were built and placed. That doubled to 2,000 in 2008. The building, placing and detonating of these bombs is subcontracted to dozens of teams that specialize in those tasks. The chief proponent of the roadside bomb are the...

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Pakistan Opens NATO Supply Road In Daytime: Official

'', AFP, 5 January 2009

EXCERPT: "Pakistan Monday reopened during daytime hours a key northwest supply route for Western troops in Afghanistan, a local official said, as the army wrapped up an anti-militant drive in the area. The administrator of the Khyber tribal area in northwest Pakistan, Tariq Hayat, told reporters that the curfew along the Khyber Pass had been lifted...

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