Archives for 15 July 2008

The Legal Status Of Afghan Refugees In Pakistan

Ijrl Marjoleine Zieck, 'The Legal Status of Afghan Refugees in Pakistan, a Story of Eight Agreements and Two Suppressed Premises', International Journal of Refugee Law, Volume 20 Number 2, July 2008, p. 253-272

EXCERPT: "Over 25 per cent of present day refugees enjoy asylum in Pakistan, most of them having been there for more than a quarter of a century. Pakistan is not, however, a party to either the 1951 Convention relating to the Status...

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How to Save Karzai

Fp_2 Seth G. Jones, '', Foreign Policy, July 2008

EXCERPT: "Hamid Karzai looks increasingly like a man presiding over chaos. It is hard to find anyone who believes that Afghanistan's president is making much progress in his fight against militants and the endemic corruption that now plagues his government. Nearly seven years after U.S. forces entered Afghanistan, the Taliban and other insurgent groups are gaining ground...

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Policing the Poppy Fields - Part Two

Bbcws'Policing the Poppy Fields - Part Two', BBC Radio World Service, 15 July 2008

EXCERPT: "Kate Clark was granted unique access to Sir Sherard Cowper-Coles, Britain's Ambassador to Afghanistan, and his team as they join forces with the Afghan Government to take on the country's drug barons. The United Nations have said that the Taleban made an estimated US$100m (?50m) in 2007 from Afghan farmers growing poppy for the opium trade. Opium produced...

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NATO Forces Mass On Afghan Border

'', AFP, 15 July 2008

EXCERPT: "Pakistani tribal elders Tuesday raised the alarm over a build-up of hundreds of NATO-led troops on the Afghan side of the border, but the military downplayed fears of any intrusion. The gathering of foreign troops came as Islamabad was under growing pressure from the United States to curb cross-border attacks by Taliban militants, with the US military...

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Rare Glimpse Inside Guantanamo Bay

US 'Rare Glimpse Inside Guantanamo Bay', BBC News, 15 July 2008

EXCERPT: "The secret world of interrogations at Guantanamo Bay has been partially revealed in a video extract of the questioning of Canadian prisoner Omar Khadr. The video is part of a seven-hour long series of DVDs that a court in Canada ordered released to Mr Khadr's lawyers as they prepare his defence for a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay. The hearing is scheduled for...

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Are Canadians Getting The Truth About Afghanistan?

'', The Globe and Mail, 15 July 2008

EXCERPT: "Prime Minister Stephen Harper was correct last week when he said about Afghanistan: 'We have serious challenges there, and we simply must make progress on governance and security ... in the next 12 to 24 months. We have got to get the situation moving in the right direction.' Robert Gates, the U.S. Defence Secretary, agreed. 'We have clearly...

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Canada Takes Notes From Failed Soviet War

Canada 'Canada Takes Notes From Failed Soviet War', The Globe and Mail, 12 July 2008

EXCERPT: "The Canadian military has been studying the Soviet debacle in Afghanistan for clues on how to prevent similar mistakes as NATO tries to beat back a persistent insurgency and ready the country's weak but pro-Western government to assume greater control. It began a research project in 2006, a year in which fighting intensified for Canada in the war...

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Taliban Flexing Muscle In Afghanistan

Taliban'Taliban Flexing Muscle In Afghanistan', ABC News, 14 July 2008

EXCERPT: "This weekend's deadly attack on an American combat outpost in remote eastern Afghanistan that killed nine U.S. servicemen was a highly organized assault by as many as 200 Taliban fighters that coalition military officials believe was staged from neighboring Pakistan. A senior Defense Department official told ABC News today that attacks on outposts in eastern Afghanistan...

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