Archives for 18 June 2009

US Boost Number Of "Civilian Experts", Troops

United States flag 'US Agencies Eye Coordinated Afghan "Civilian Surge"', Reuters, 18 June 2009

EXCERPT: "The Pentagon and other U.S. government agencies are boosting the number of civilian experts dispatched to Afghanistan in parallel with a large surge of American troops, officials said on Thursday. Pentagon policy chief Michele Flournoy said her agency backed a 'civilian surge' of at least 400 new experts, while the U.S. military...

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Afghanistan Public Opinion Survey: May 3-16, 2009

'', The International Republican Institute, 16 June 2009

EXCERPT: "The International Republican Institute (IRI) today released its survey of Afghanistan public opinion. The poll was conducted May 3-16, 2009, and can also be found at . IRI has conducted surveys in Afghanistan since 2003. The goal of the research program is to gauge Afghan public opinion and to use the...

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Senate Approves $106 Billion War-Spending Bill

'', The Associated Press, 18 June 2009

EXCERPT: "Congress on Thursday sent President Barack Obama a massive spending bill aimed at ensuring that the military efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan won't run out of money in the coming months. The $106 billion emergency war bill also branches off to provide money for programs ranging from pandemic flu preparedness to a 'cash for clunkers'...

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Private Security Frees-Up Canadian Military

'', The Canadian Press, 18 June 2009

EXCERPT: "The increased reliance on private companies to provide basic security for Canadian bases in southern Afghanistan is freeing up critical military manpower, officers say, although some soldiers worry about the effectiveness of local Afghan guards. Several operating bases in the dangerous Panjwaii district are now farming...

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