Afghanistan to Deploy Security System
14 May 2010
Afghanistan to Deploy Security System, Press TV, 14 May 2010
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan has decided to deploy a state-of-the-art surveillance system along its border with Pakistan to stop militants from crossing the border. The US embassy in Afghanistan said in a Thursday statement that the American-made system will be first installed near the Spin Boldak border crossing in Kandahar Province, a Press TV correspondent reported. The Persistent...
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Afghan Private Security Firms Fuelling Corruption
14 May 2010
Afghan Private Security Firms Fuelling Corruption, Warns British Commander, The Guardian, 14 May 2010
EXCERPT: "Private security companies are operating in a 'culture of impunity' that is encouraging lawlessness and corruption, Britain's most senior commander in southern Afghanistan warned today. The companies, mainly Afghan, needed to be 'properly regulated as well as registered', said Major General Nick Carter...
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Success of US Surge Won't Be Known Until End of Year
14 May 2010
US: Success of Anti-Taliban Surge Won't Be Known Until End of Year, VOA News, 14 May 2010
EXCERPT: "The commander of U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan says it will likely be the end of the year before it is clear whether the effort to assert Afghan government control in the key southern city of Kandahar is succeeding. U.S. Army General Stanley McChrystal says the Afghan and coalition effort in Kandahar has been going...
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Afghan Protests over NATO Raid in Nangarhar Province
14 May 2010
Afghan Protests over NATO Raid in Nangarhar Province, BBC News, 14 May 2010
EXCERPT: "Hundreds of villagers in the Afghan province of Nangarhar are protesting over a Nato raid on Thursday, which they claim killed several civilians. There is no independent confirmation of the death toll but local estimates vary from six to 11 dead. Nato officials confirmed an operation targeted a Taliban hideout, but said they were not aware of...
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