Archives for 18 July 2008

Tenth Report of Canada's Mission In Afghanistan

'', The Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development / House of Commons Canada / 39th Parliament, 2nd Session, 17 July 2008

EXCERPT: "Scholars of Afghanistan are unanimous that it is impossible to understand the current situation of and prospects for the country without some appreciation of its unique historical and pre-9/11 context. Afghanistan...

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Helmand: The World's Most Dangerous Place

Ireland 'Special Report On Helmand: The World's Most Dangerous Place', Belfast Telegraph, 18 July 2008

EXCERPT: "More than 500 soldiers from Northern Ireland are now five months into a tour of duty in one of the world's most dangerous war zones. Troops from the Royal Irish 1st battalion are serving alongside the 2nd and 3rd battalion of the Parachute Regiment and 5 Royal Scots to form the 16 Air Assault Brigade. Led by Lieutenant Colonel Ed...

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Japanese Govt Drops Plan To Send Troops

Japan'Govt Drops Plan To Send SDF Troops To Afghanistan', Daily Yomiuri Online, 18 July 2008

EXCERPT: "The government will not expand the role of the Self-Defense Forces in and around Afghanistan by sending SDF personnel to the country due to the worsening security situation there, it was learned Thursday [17 July 2008]. According to sources, many lawmakers from junior coalition partner New Komeito have expressed concern on the matter. Additionally,...

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ISAF Denies Killing 50 Afghan Civilians

Isaf'ISAF Denies Killing 50 Afghan Civilians', The Age, 18 July 2008

EXCERPT: "International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) officials have rejected claims that more than 50 civilians were killed by allied forces in the Shindand area of Afghanistan's western province of Herat. 'The claims originated in the media from the tribal elder Haji Zalmai and District Chief Mullah Lal Muhammad who said that more than 50 civilians had reportedly been...

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