First HIV Treatment Centre Opens
22 April 2009
'First HIV Treatment Centre Opens In Afghanistan', ReliefWeb // World Health Organization, 22 April 2009
EXCERPT: "People living with HIV and Aids can now receive treatment in the first anti-retroviral therapy centre in Afghanistan. The Minister of Public Health, Dr Sayed Mohammad Amin Fatimi opened the centre on Tuesday at the Infectious Disease Hospital in Kabul. There are 556 reported HIV positive cases in Afghanistan. The...
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Military Personnel Filling Afghan Civilian Posts
22 April 2009
'', The New York Times, 22 April 2009
EXCERPT: "The Obama administration is finding that it must turn to military personnel to fill hundreds of posts in Afghanistan that had been intended for civilian experts, senior officials said Wednesday. In announcing a new strategy last month, President Obama promised 'a dramatic increase in our civilian effort' in Afghanistan...
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Civilian Deaths Down 39 Per Cent: NATO
22 April 2009
'Afghan Civilian Casualties Down 39 Per Cent, NATO Says', EarthTimes, 22 April 2009
EXCERPT: "Western and Taliban-led forces between them killed almost 40 per cent fewer Afghan civilians in the first three months of this year than in the same period of 2008, NATO's top spokesman told journalists in Brussels on Wednesday. The 39-per-cent reduction in civilian deaths 'at least in part reflects the increased efforts by international...
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Pivotal Moment Nears In East
22 April 2009
'US Says Nearing Key Moment In Eastern Afghanistan', AlertNet, 22 April 2009
EXCERPT: "U.S. and NATO forces are close to achieving 'irreversible momentum' in their battle with insurgents in eastern Afghanistan, a senior commander said on Wednesday. The Taliban and other insurgent groups have been strongest in eastern and southern Afghanistan but U.S. Army Major General Michael Tucker said security had improved this year...
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