Civilian Deaths Increase by 33%: Govt
03 May 2010
Afghanistan Reports Surge in Civilian Deaths, Los Angeles Times, 2 May 2010
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's Interior Ministry said 173 civilians were killed between March 21 and April 21 of this year, the most recent period for which figures were available. That represented a 33% increase from the same dates in 2009, ministry spokesman Zemari Bashary said during a news conference in Kabul, the capital. Bashary said the deaths, coupled with...
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61% of Afghans Feel More Negative about NATO: Report
03 May 2010
[pdf], The International Council on Security and Development, 3 May 2010
EXCEPRT: "NATO's Operation Moshtarak, launched in February 2010 in Helmand province, was the first deployment after the beginning of the much-debated surge of 30,000 additional US troops. It was billed as the largest military operation since the invasion of 2001. The planning for the operation emphasised the needs of the...
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Helmand Governor Clashes with Aid Workers over IDPs
03 May 2010
War of Words over Marjah Displaced, IRIN News, 3 May 2010
EXCERPT: "The spokesman of the governor of Helmand Province in southern Afghanistan has clashed with local aid workers and the provincial refugee department over displaced people from the town of Marjah two months after a NATO and Afghan government operation to clear the area of insurgents. Over the past two weeks about 100 families have left Marjah in Helmand Province,...
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ANSF Growth Plans Lacking on Long-term Housing
03 May 2010
[pdf], Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), 30 April 2010
EXTRACT: "The success of the new U.S. civilian-military strategy now being implemented depends on accelerating the growth of the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) so that the United States can begin to withdraw its troops in July 2011. More than half of all reconstruction dollars appropriated...
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