Heaviest Fighting Kills 130 Insurgents in North
09 November 2009
'', The Associated Press, 9 November 2009
EXCERPT: "Afghan and international troops killed more than 130 insurgents in six days of fighting in a once-stable area of northern Afghanistan that has seen a recent spike in Taliban attacks, NATO said Monday. It was some of the heaviest fighting in the north this year. The operation, which took place last week, was in the Chahar Dara...
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Afghanistan's Security Environment
09 November 2009
'', United States Government Accountability Office, 5 November 2009
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's security situation has deteriorated significantly since 2005, affecting all aspects of U.S. and allied reconstruction operations. As we reported in April 2009, the rise in enemy-initiated attacks on civilians and on U.S., Afghan, and coalition security forces has resulted from various factors, including...
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The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation: A Partnership For Stabilising Afghanistan?
09 November 2009
Matthew Hall, '', Centre for Defence and Strategic Studies // Australian Defence College, 5 November 2009
EXCERPT: "In efforts to bring stability and security to Afghanistan, the international community of states may have overlooked a critical ally: the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. This paper argues that the Organisation should be considered...
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Afghanistan Trains Thousands Of New Midwives
09 November 2009
'Amid War Afghanistan Trains Thousands Of New Midwives', The Christian Science Monitor, 8 November 2009
EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's capacity to address the health of its women has taken a remarkable turn for the better in the past seven years. In 2002, 60 percent of Afghans had no access to basic health services, according to a study led by Linda Bartlett, then of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. Furthermore,...
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