Students Protest Foreign Interference
14 August 2008
'Students Protests Foreign Interference', Daily Times, 14 August 2008
EXCERPT: "People from different areas recorded their protest by staging protest demonstrations and addressing news conferences and issued warnings to the government for redressing their grievances here on Wednesday. The first such protest demonstration was staged by students from Kurram Agency, who asked the government to take notice of interference by Afghanistan...
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An Afghan Lifeline, Plagued By Insurgents
14 August 2008
'', International Herald Tribune, 14 August 2008
EXCERPT: "Not far from here, just off the highway that was once the showpiece of the U.S. reconstruction effort in Afghanistan, three U.S. soldiers and their Afghan interpreter were ambushed and killed six weeks ago. The soldiers died as their vehicles were hit by mines and rocket-propelled grenades. At least one was dragged off and chopped to pieces,...
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Worsening Security Squeezing Afghan Aid Work
14 August 2008
'', AFP, 14 August 2008
EXCERPT: "An attack that killed three female Western aid workers near Kabul highlights deteriorating security in Afghanistan with relief groups saying threats of murders and kidnappings are limiting their work. It was the deadliest attack on aid workers in years and comes after non-government groups raised the alarm about security, with 19 workers killed in the first...
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Returnees Bemoan Government's "Empty Promises"
14 August 2008
'Returnees Bemoan Government's "Empty Promises"', IRIN News, 14 August 2008
EXCERPT: "Gul Haider's small family migrated to Pakistan from Afghanistan's Parwan Province in the 1980s but returned to their homeland in 2006 as almost two dozen people. Now in Afghanistan, shelter is their main problem. Their old house in the Gorband District of Parwan was seized by local militias after they emigrated and is now owned by a powerful...
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