Archives for 14 January 2009

Income Disparity Plays Into Hands Of Taliban

Afghanistan 'Huge Divide Between Afghanistan's Haves And Have-Nots Plays Into Hands Of Taliban', Irish Times, 14 January 2009

EXCERPT: "Seven years after the fall of the Taliban and the establishment of a civilian-led and internationally backed government, Afghanistan remains one of the poorest countries in the world. It has rates of unemployment, illiteracy, infant mortality and malnutrition on a par with the most impoverished nations...

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First Afghan Woman Mayor Says Women's Rights Worsened

Afghanistan 'First Afghan Woman Mayor Says Women's Rights Worsened', Reuters India, 14 January 2009

EXCERPT: "Afghanistan's first woman mayor is determined to improve one of the country's newest and poorest provinces, but she is concerned women's rights in the former Taliban state are getting worse. 'I was very happy to get this job, especially being the first woman to be a mayor in Afghanistan, but there are some men...

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Tribes End Afghan Border Blockade

Pakistan 'Tribes End Afghan Border Blockade', BBC News, 14 January 2009

EXCERPT: "Protesters in western Pakistan have ended their blockade of a key route supplying international forces in Afghanistan, officials say. Ethnic Pashtun tribesmen began the blockade of the border crossing in the Chaman area of Balochistan province five days ago. They were protesting at the killing of a tribesman by the security forces. The main supply...

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NATO To Let Afghan Troops To Take Lead On Searches

'', International Herald Tribune, 14 January 2009

EXCERPT: "NATO will allow local security forces in Afghanistan to take the lead in conducting searches in hopes of defusing tensions and minimizing civilian casualties, an alliance spokesman said Wednesday. Commanders of NATO's International Security Assistance Force issued the orders last month, NATO spokesman James Appathurai...

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