Archives for 24 March 2009

Afghanistan 'Afghan Villages Fight Corruption', The Christian Science Monitor, 24 March 2009

EXCERPT: "Villagers trained by an international nonprofit are tackling corruption at the local level through 'social audits.' They gather to inspect the books of shuras, or elected councils, that oversee many villages and receive funds from the government and NGOs to undertake development projects. In many villages that uncover corruption,...

Sustainable Security In Afghanistan

'', Center for American Progress, 24 March 2009

EXCERPT: "The Obama administration inherits a rapidly deteriorating situation in Afghanistan. In fact, both President Obama and General David McKiernan, who commands all U.S. and NATO troops in Afghanistan, agree that we are not winning the war against the Taliban and other insurgent groups....

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Pakistan Militants Strengthen In Heartland

'', The Associated Press, 23 March 2009

EXCERPT: "Authorities say militant groups in Punjab are increasingly sending out fighters to Afghanistan and the border region, adding teeth to an insurgency spreading across Pakistan that has stirred fears about the country's stability and the safety of its nuclear weapons. The horse-riding facility, discovered by The Associated Press during...

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"Seeds Of Democracy Have Been Sown": Report

'', The International Council on Security and Development (ICOS), 24 March 2009

EXCERPT: "Despite the dramatic deterioration in the security situation in Afghanistan, and the long list of issues and challenges in the country, we can see clear evidence that the seeds of democracy have been sown in Afghanistan, and the people of Afghanistan are a receptive...

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