European Parliament Backs Poppy for Medicine Initiative in Afghanistan
25 October 2007

'European Parliament Backs Poppy for Medicine Initiative in Afghanistan', The Senlis Council, 25 October 2007.
"The European Parliament on Thursday [October 25] recommended that Afghanistan's poppy crop should be used to produce much-needed essential medicines such as morphine instead of being destroyed. The recommendation was tabled by Marco Cappato MEP [Member of the European Parliament] and the ALDE group (Alliance of Liberals...
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UNICEF Releases Child Alert on Afghanistan
25 October 2007
'UNICEF Releases Child Alert on Afghanistan' UNICEF, 25 October 2007
"UNICEF's report, '', is based on reporting from UNICEF UK Ambassador Martin Bell's July 2007 trip to that war-torn country, where children are increasingly not only caught in the crossfire but are also the intended targets of violence. Children are victims of attacks on schools, clinics and roadside bombs, have been forcibly recruited...
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Opium and Afghanistan: Reassessing U.S. Counternarcotics Strategy
25 October 2007
John A, Glaze, '', Strategic Studies Institute Carlisle Paper, 22 October 2007.
"Cultivation and production of opium in Afghanistan have skyrocketed since the Taliban were toppled in 2001 such that Afghanistan now supplies 92 percent of the world's illicit opium. The expanding opium trade is threatening to destabilize the Afghan government and turn the conflict-ridden country...
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