Archives for 23 June 2009

British Troops In Major Offensive Against Taliban

UK flag 'British Troops In Major Offensive Against Taliban', The Guardian, 23 June 2009

EXCERPT: "More than 350 British troops led by the Black Watch and supported by one of the largest air operations in modern times have launched an assault on Taliban strongholds in Afghanistan. Apache and US Black Hawk helicopters, an American Spectre gunship equipped with an array of heavy weapons, UK Harrier jets and unmanned drones, were involved...

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Improving Mutual Accountability For Aid Effectiveness

AREU Rebecca Roberts, 'Improving Mutual Accountability for Aid Effectiveness', Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, 22 June 2009

EXCERPT: "Mutual accountability is advocated as a way to improve aid effectiveness. It means that the actors involved in development processes should be accountable to each other and take joint responsibility for the management, implementation and impact of aid. In Afghanistan, mutual accountability...

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US, Kyrgyzstan Reach Deal On Use Of Manas Base

Kyrgyzstan flag 'US, Kyrgyzstan Reach Deal On Continued Use Of Manas Air Base', VOA News, 23 June 2009

EXCERPT: "The United States and Kyrgyzstan have reached a deal on the continued use of a Kyrgyz air base to transport supplies for the U.S. military in Afghanistan. The news comes four months after Kyrgyzstan's parliament voted to evict U.S. troops from the Manas air base near the country's border with Kazakhstan. Kyrgyz Foreign Minister...

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US Military Moves High-Tech Tools To Afghanistan

'', The Washington Post, 23 June 2009

EXCERPT: "On Saturday at 9:45 p.m., an American unmanned aerial vehicle, complete with streaming-video equipment, circled over an area in Afghanistan's Khost province and transmitted photographs of three people, including one who was digging in a roadway, apparently to plant an improvised explosive device. Information from computer data at a...

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