Drop In Fuel, Food Prices Raises Hope For Food Insecure
17 November 2008
'Drop In Fuel, Food Prices Raises Hope For Food Insecure', IRIN News, 17 November 2008
EXCERPT: "Food and fuel prices have declined slightly over the past month, prompting some to say this could bode well for the country's eight million chronically food-insecure people. The average price of wheat flour - a staple in Afghanistan - is at least 3.4 percent lower in November than September, according to a publication by the Ministry...
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Experiences of Young Afghans Returning "Home" from Pakistan and Iran
17 November 2008
'From Disappointment to Hope: Transforming Experiences of Young Afghans Returning "Home" from Pakistan and Iran', Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit, November 2008
EXCERPT: "Looking beyond perspectives limited to a 'return to home land,' this briefing paper focuses on Afghan youth and young adults who were either born or grew up in Pakistan or Iran. By examining personal journeys of their return to Afghanistan,...
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Afghan Taliban Leader Rejects Karzai's Safety Vow
17 November 2008
'', Washington Post, 17 November 2008
EXCERPT: "A Taliban militant leader rejected Monday an offer from Afghan President Hamid Karzai of safe passage for insurgent leaders who wanted to talk peace. Karzai, back from a trip to Britain and the United States, said Sunday he would guarantee the safety of Taliban leader Mullah Mohammad Omar if he was prepared to negotiate. With the...
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US Supply Trucks Get Armed Escorts In Pakistan
17 November 2008
'', The Associated Press, 17 November 2008
EXCERPT: "Pakistan sent troops armed with rocket-propelled grenades and heavy machine guns to escort trucks Monday along a major supply route for U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan, part of new security measures to combat militant attacks. The paramilitary guards traveled in pickup trucks alongside convoys as they snaked their way up Pakistan's...
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