Canadian Liberals Support Afghan Extension Until 2011
26 February 2008
'Canadian Liberals Support Afghan Extension Until 2011', The Globe and Mail, 26 February 2008
EXCERPT: "The Conservative government showered Liberals with praise yesterday as the two historic political rivals came to terms on Canada's military mission in Afghanistan. While still seeking clarification on a few points, Liberal Leader St?phane Dion told the House of Commons yesterday his party is ready to accept the government's latest motion...
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NATO Confronts Surprisingly Fierce Taliban
26 February 2008
'', Washington Post, 26 February 2008
EXCERPT: "In the year and a half since NATO took over southern Afghanistan from U.S. forces, its mission has changed dramatically. Dispatched to the region to maintain newly restored order and help local Afghans reconstruct their shattered communities, Dutch and other troops from the alliance now find themselves on the front lines of a renewed fight with a...
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France Eyes Sending Troops To Afghan Combat Zone
26 February 2008
'France Eyes Sending Troops To Afghan Combat Zone', Reuters, 26 February 2008
EXCERPT: "France may send hundreds of ground troops to east Afghanistan where NATO-led forces are fighting al Qaeda-backed insurgents, Le Monde newspaper reported on Tuesday. It said the move would be part of a new Afghan policy being worked out by President Nicolas Sarkozy and his advisers. France has about 1,900 soldiers under NATO's Afghan command, most of...
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Norway To Send Troops To Southern Afghanistan
26 February 2008
'', ChinaView, 26 February 2008
EXCERPT: "Norway's Defense Minister Anne-Grete Stroem-Erichsen said her country will send more troops to the troubled southern Afghanistan to fight the Taliban, according to reports reaching here Tuesday. The fresh troops, including 50 Norwegian officers and soldiers, will be sent to Afghanistan in October to help training the Afghan troops, the minister...
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US Troop Levels Grow in Afghanistan As More Leave Iraq
26 February 2008
'US Troop Levels Grow in Afghanistan As More Leave Iraq', Voice of America, 26 February 2008
EXCERPT: "The Defense Department is projecting that when the temporary U.S. troop buildup in Iraq is over in July, there will be a total of about 140,000 U.S. troops there. That would leave about 8,000 more troops on the ground in Iraq than when the troop build-up, known as the surge, began in January of last year. VOA Correspondent Cindy Saine...
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Afghanistan: European Involvement
26 February 2008
'', Parliamentary Information and Research Service, January 2008
EXCERPT: "In debates about Canada's current and future involvement in Afghanistan, options proposed by the government and opposition parties range from the extension of the mission in Kandahar beyond its current mandate to the complete and immediate withdrawal of Canadian Forces. Canada's policies and commitments are of course part of a broader...
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