Archives for 06 February 2008

Broad Norwegian Engagement in Afghanistan

Norway'Broad Norwegian Engagement in Afghanistan', Government of Norway, 5 February 2008

EXCERPT: "Norway is one of the largest contributors to civilian reconstruction in Afghanistan. The Government has decided to increase the funding for civilian efforts in 2008 to NOK 750 million. ?This increase makes Norway one of the donors with the best balance between civilian and military contributions,? says Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr St?re. ...

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Opium Winter Rapid Assessment Survey: UNODC

'', United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 6 February 2008

EXCERPT: "Winter Rapid Assessment Survey forecasts the following cultivation trends in 2008: A sharp increase in cultivation in Nimroz province (western region), with a significant level of  cultivation in that province; an increase in cultivation in six provinces, mainly in the southern (Kandahar and Uruzgan) and western (Farah, Badghis...

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