Afghanistan Casualties: Military Forces and Civilians
23 November 2010
[pdf], Congressional Research Service via the Human Security Gateway, 28 October 2010
EXCERPT: "This report collects statistics from a variety of sources on casualties sustained during Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF), which began on October 7, 2001, and is ongoing. [...] Casualty data of U.S. military forces are compiled by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD), as tallied from...
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Russia OKs New Transit, Helicopter Deal with NATO
23 November 2010
Russia and NATO Discuss Afghanistan and Mutual Security Issues, RIA Novosti, 22 November 2010
EXCERPT: "The November 20 summit of the NATO-Russia Council (NRC) in Lisbon, Portugal resulted in three critically important military decisions. [...] The summit's decisions on Afghanistan include an agreement on broadened transit arrangements through Russian territory for non-lethal ISAF goods, a move to expand the counter-narcotics training...
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Army Leadership Scrutinized as US Probe into Alleged Atrocities Widens
23 November 2010
U.S. Military Widens Probe of Platoon in Afghanistan, Reuters, 23 November 2010
EXCERPT: "A military probe of U.S. Army troops accused of terrorizing Afghan civilians has turned to questions of supervision by their commanding officers, testimony in the case against one soldier revealed on Monday. The disclosure came during the latest hearing of evidence in the investigation of what military prosecutors describe as an infantry platoon...
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Aid Groups Seek to Forge Safety Agreements with Taliban
23 November 2010
Aid Groups Seek Safety Pacts With Taliban, The Wall Street Journal, 22 November 2010
EXCERPT: "Independent aid groups operating in Afghanistan are increasingly distancing themselves from the U.S.-led coalition and trying to forge safe-passage agreements with insurgents, betting that a show of neutrality will protect their work amid an intensifying war. The Taliban are reciprocating with a more moderate approach to some aid workers, while...
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Peace-talks Negotiator for Taliban Was an Impostor: Officials
23 November 2010
, The Washington Post, 23 November 2010
EXCERPT: "A man purporting to be one of the Taliban's most senior commanders convinced both Afghan President Hamid Karzai and the NATO officials who flew him to Afghanistan's capital for meetings, but two senior Afghan officials now believe the man was a lowly shopkeeper from the Pakistani city of Quetta. His daring ruse has flummoxed...
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