Archives for 28 January 2009

"Deliberate Slip" Reveals Afghan Superbombs

US  '"Deliberate Slip" Reveals Afghan Superbombs',, 28 January 2009

EXCERPT: "A 'deliberate slip' by Pentagon spokesman Geoff Morell indicates that while the threat of armor-piercing bombs has decreased sharply in Iraq, they are an increasing danger in Afghanistan. The explosively-formed penetrator (EFP) or 'superbomb' is a type of improvised explosive device which fires a high-velocity...

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EU To Help Afghans Secure Transparent Elections

EU 'EU To Help Afghans Secure Transparent Elections', Ceske Noviny, 28 January 2009

EXCERPT: "The European Union is prepared to help Afghanistan secure that the forthcoming presidential elections be transparent, reliable and safe, and with a high voter turnout, Czech Foreign Minister Karel Schwarzenberg said today. Schwarzenberg made his statement after European Union representatives' talks with Afghan Foreign Minister Rangin...

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As Afghanistan Hots Up, Private Security Moves In

Afghanistan 'As Afghanistan Hots Up, Private Security Moves In', Reuters India, 28 January 2009

EXCERPT: "Private security companies are expanding operations in Afghanistan as the war there heats up, but industry experts say those that made fortunes in Iraq may find business much tougher in the new market. As Iraq has grown more stable, Afghanistan, where the Taliban insurgency is strong, has been a natural next-step for dozens of mainly...

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NATO-Led Troops Killed Around 100 Civilians In 2008

NATO '', China View, 28 January 2009

EXCERPT: "The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan killed around 100 civilians in 2008, said the alliance on Wednesday. In contrast, the Taliban and al-Qaida insurgents killed 973 civilians last year, he said. These figures are based on an assessment by the military with the help of a new tracking system, said...

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