Archives for 14 November 2007

Afghanistan: The Canadian Military Mission

Jim Cox, '', Parliamentary Information and Research Service, 6 November 2007

EXCERPT: "At the time of writing, 71 Canadian soldiers and one diplomat have been killed in Afghanistan, and approximately 243 Canadian Forces (CF) personnel have been wounded. A groundswell of concern over has generated debate over the future of the Canadian mission in Afghanistan. This debate...

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Use Haiti as Peacebuilding Model, Researchers Say

Canada Jeff Davis, 'Canada's Approach to Afghanistan 'Failing', Experts Say', Embassy, November 2007.

"Researchers with the North-South Institute say Canada should consider basing its rebuilding efforts in Afghanistan on its Haiti approach, which is less military-centric and has proven to increase stability."

Speaking at a forum hosted by the North-South Institute, Ernie Regehr, professor of peace and conflict studies at the...

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