Archives for 08 October 2008

"Biggest Threat" To U.S. Is Aided By Pakistanis

Pakistan'Biggest Threat To U.S. In Afghanistan Is Aided By Pakistanis', Bloomberg, 8 October 2008

EXCERPT: "When Jalaluddin Haqqani fought Soviet troops in Afghanistan in the 1980s, the U.S. showered him with praise, guns and money. The congressman celebrated in 'Charlie Wilson's War,'  the movie and book about that conflict, called him 'goodness personified.' Now the U.S. is trying to kill Haqqani, who commands a Taliban guerrilla force...

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US Increases Afghan Civilian Toll

United States'US Increases Afghan Civilian Toll', BBC News, 8 October 2008

EXCERPT: "A US military inquiry has found that an air strike on militants in western Afghanistan on 22 August killed many more civilians than first acknowledged. US Central Command said 33 civilians, not seven, had died in the village of Azizabad in Herat province. While voicing regret, it said US forces had followed rules of engagement. Afghan officials and the United...

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Gates Seeks Long-Term NATO Effort

'', The Associated Press, 8 October 2008

EXCERPT: "NATO allies must send either more forces or more money for the fight in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert Gates will argue this week as he meets with NATO defense ministers. The main objective, said Gates, is to increase the size of the Afghan Army, and it will take trainers ? or more money ? to do that. 'My view is, for those who do...

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Afghanistan Mission To Cost $28 Billion, Group Says

Canada 'Afghanistan Mission To Cost $28 Billion, Group Says', CTV News, 8 October 2008

EXCERPT: "On the eve of a parliamentary report on the financial cost of the Afghanistan mission for Canada, an independent group has released their own answer on the subject: $28 billion. The Rideau Institute, an advocacy group and think tank that largely opposes Canada's military participation in Afghanistan, said the mission will cost the government...

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